Review of The Way

The Way (II) (2024)
Gone the wrong way
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You know the phrase about wishing you could unsee something well it applies to this. Essentially what should have been an interesting drama turned into a 3 hour anti english, anti tory government, anti security conscious country load of waffle. From a strike at a steel works to countrywide civil unrest in less than 2 weeks, along with the use of PMCs on british streets who dont allow the police or army to do their jobs is laughable and jo amount of mcguffins can explain that away.

Then we have the dysfunctional family at the centre of the story which also features the ghost of the miners strike hero, played by Sheen (again we get it Mr Sheen you hate the tories and you're left wing). The subject of mental illness is touched upon but in a trope way so it falls flat. Then we have the panto villain of the piece "The Welshcatcher" an odd nickname for someone to get after only 3 weeks of civil disorder.

The plot lurges forward at break neck speed but there in lies a major problem it doesnt know what it wants to be. The shadowy PMC group could have been more sinister and actually killed people but they were just stooges for the aforementioned panto villain.

Dont waste your time watching this as it is bad, find something more enjoyable to do like count the blades of grass on your lawn, watch paint dry, get root canal work done at tbe dentist or for those old enough watch the test card.
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