Talk Is Cheap
20 February 2024
Talk is cheap; so we get lots and lots of talk.

I'm a big fan of over-the-top sci-fi movies with ridiculous plots, bad acting and entertaining special effects. The mismatched military branch being represented, the rusted, mothballed, tourist ship that is clearly docked somewhere just adds to the entertainment factor.

The problem is they used to actually try to make a good movie and just didn't have the budget to pull it off. They couldn't reshoot scenes until they looked good so we got an early take. Now, they don't care, they know enough of us will watch whatever they produce, hoping for a low budget gem; so they pump them out as fast as they can.

These are the ugly Christmas sweaters of the movie world. Ugly Christmas sweaters were fun when they were inadvertently ugly and given as actual gifts that the giver thought was nice. When they are manufactured to be ugly it takes away a lot of the fun. These movies are manufactured to be bad and that also takes away a lot of the fun.

One key thing the companies behind these realized is few things are cheaper to shoot than people sitting in a dimly lit room talking about what is going on. So, we now get most of the movie taking place in what is supposed to be some sort of control room. With just 2 or 3 main characters and talking, lots and lots of talking.

I had some hope for this one early on with the sharks eating entire boats in one bite, only seeing 3 people on the entire ship and what even appeared to be people running through a brewery shown as people escaping a laboratory. But after so much talking, I literally fell asleep.
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