Dumb Money (2023)
"You need to get out while you can."
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a story of more is never enough, especially for the little guy. Well, the big guys too, the ones who stepped in to stop the madness when Gamestop stock was taking off like a rocket. I followed the real story from a distance, knowing that what goes up almost invariably comes down, and this was one fad that wasn't going to last. Although many thought it would, and those who bought at the top are now sadly nursing their wounds for getting caught up in the hype. The film does a pretty good job of laying out the chronology of the Gamestop/Reddit/Wall Street Bets phenomenon with Roaring Kitty Keith Gill (Paul Dano) maintaining an understated presence as the man behind the scenes of the astonishing rise of Gamestop's stock price. The story is somewhat more accessible than 2015's "The Big Short", with all its Wall Street Journal financial jargon throughout, making it a bore fest for a majority of its audience. In this one, the person I felt bad the most about was nurse Jenny Campbell (America Ferrera), who rode the roller coaster to the top, but with a faith too rock solid to dissuade, held on to the stock with diamond hands until it fell off the proverbial cliff. The film should be a reminder to all who want to get rich quick that lightning like this strikes only a few, and even then, very far between. When Jenny Campbell states at one point - "We control the price now. Not Wall Street" - know that it's only a matter of time before another Wall Street stock truism follows very close behind, that is, a reversion to the mean.

So, when can we expect a movie about Sam Bankman Fried?
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