Quick and witty Wes at his best
18 February 2024
It's not often I leave a review so when I do, you know I either loathed it or loved it. This short story by Wes Anderson I absolutely loved!! Told in a way as if you was listening to an audio book which ironically suits the films prose about a man who can see without his eyes. You could merely close your eyes and the tale would remain the same as if you'd had watched it. Wes' characters are always bold and witty and every character was played excellently, especially the great Ben Kingsley. By the time the credits came round and found myself wanting to watch another hour or so such was the great writing and performances. I also loved how the audio was worked so that the characters felt like they was in a room with you if you watched this like I did, at work with my headphones in.

If you've got 35 minutes to spare then definitely put the kettle on and sit down to give this a watch. If you don't have 35 minutes spare then stick your headphones in and listen as you go about your day. This is the Wes Anderson I crave.
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