Alice & Jack (2023–2024)
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As somebody who has suffered/endured limerence for over 20 years, this had a profound effect on me. It was as if large chunks of my life has been put on screen. I think it will be rated highly by people who know of or have experienced limerence and rated unkindly by people who have never heard of it.

Is there an obvious reason for these 2 characters to be loved or to love each other? No. Does it make sense for him to throw away a marriage with the beautiful mother of his child? No. Does it make sense for her to leave a decent guy at the alter? No. Does all this make sense through the lens of limerence? Yes! If you know anything about it or have experienced limerence, you will know there is nothing more powerful than the connection between you and your limerent object. It makes perfect sense to me that they keep coming back into each others lives for better or for worse, and taking risks when a rational brain would not, because it happens in real life. If you view them both as limerent for each other, it all makes perfect sense. As much as you try to forget about them and move on and try to be happy for their new relationships, it just doesn't happen. I could ramble for hours about the many ways this show affected me. I loved the writing; so many lines struck a chord. Haven't even mentioned the acting yet, which is great across the board. The ending had me in pieces. In short, I would highly recommend it, but i think being able to identify with either of the main characters, will increase the enjoyment immensely.
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