Another one of those B westerns that tried for something different.
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film dealing with silver mining rights and the court case it causes (watched over by a completely corrupt judge and an illegally influenced jury) could easily have been an A film at one of the major studios as it's much more ambitious than its budget implies. Tom Keene is the honest attorney on the side of justice who discovers the illegal actions of judge William Worthington and tries to convince his daughter (Gwynne Shipman) that dad is a criminal.

The presence of a youngish Mark Twain (James Bush) provides witty commentary on the proceedings, reminding me of Will Rogers. There's also Jimmy Butler as a handicapped young man impacted by the goings on, a friend of both Keene and Shipman's who has to deal with her sudden abduction. The low budget makes this appear inconsequential, but once the story and intentions of the film are made clear, the viewer will be much more intrigued.
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