Wow. New Low for J-Lo
16 February 2024
This is suppose to be a "movie"? Really?

The bad: let's get things straight. This is nothing more but a one hour compilation of video clips glued to together by some incomprehensible storyline which I wont even attempt to make sense of.

Dont get me wrong, if you are an avid J-lo fan, go right ahead and enjoy the several songs and you probably wont mind the chitchat scenes in between the videos that supposedly elevates this product to a "movie".

But if you are not a diehard J-lo fan, better stay far away from this videoclip compilatioin, because that is what it truly is. Nothing more, nothing less than a bunch of fancy looking music video clips.

At an endnote: I truly do appreciate Jennifer Lopez as an actress. She has proven herself to be a really solid actress. But this is not a movie. This is not even a music documentary. This is a music video compilation dresssed up as ....????
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