Underwhelming with Loose Ends
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I might've had my expectations too high going into the movie. The trailer seemed like a Stone Age Horror, but the movie took a twist I didn't expect. I wouldn't pay to watch it, but streaming it wouldn't be bad.

I left with more questions than anything. It is all subtitled, which I felt added to the atmosphere of the movie and was a good touch. It starts with a group of travelers (maybe the first Homo sapiens?) leaving to find their own land. As they get hungrier and hungrier, you seem them travel to find food and shelter. Next thing you know, some "demon" steals the leader's son, and the group goes into a manhunt trying to find the boy. This leads them to the woods that they were trying to avoid. They obviously go into the woods, and try to chase down the "demon." They come to a weird bloody pit, and then turn and run away from what they're chasing. Long story short, then get picked off until 2 remain. They trick, ambush, and unmask the "demon," and a Neanderthal human is underneath. The Neanderthal takes off running, they chase it to its cave, they get in a tussle, they kill a different Neanderthal, they find the stolen son, one of the travelers gets killed by the OG Neanderthal, the remaining traveler and son light the cave on fire and escape out the back, the OG Neanderthal follows but gets stuck at the exit, then the traveler brutally bashes in the Neanderthal's head. The som finally decides to speak up and say that the Neanderthals had initially decided to save him and help him, and is upset the traveler killed them. The traveler and child learn to survive. The end.

It could've been better, in my opinion. There are so many holes and unanswered questions. We learn the Neanderthals have a cave on the other side of the forest than where the travelers first arrive. You're telling me that the two Neanderthals just knew that a new group had arrived? Also, how did the Neanderthals completely clean up an entire mammoth carcass, leaving nothing but the skull and skin...again, on the other side of the forest? There is a weird black goo that is never explained, apparently left by the Neanderthals. The son explains they wanted to help him, but they didn't want to help the rest of the group? In fact, they outright murdered the leader in a BRUTAL way, and the old man too. But then they take care to give the pregnant lady a proper burial? Also, one of the Neanderthals grabbed the son by the fire, fully carried him across the forest, and must have ran at lightning speed because the dad was CHASING them down lol. Also, there is the weird meat pit in the forest, but the whole beginning is the travelers finding absolutely no food...so where did all the food come from? Lastly, the son legit doesn't explain a thing when he's found and lets the last traveler just absolutely bash the remaining Neanderthal. I was so confused and left wondering.

I can give props to the music, and I thought the twist was good! It went downhill after that for me. I want this remade, but with an actual demon involved...maybe like the Netflix "The Ritual," but Stone Age like.
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