Calamity Jane (2024)
Really quite cliché and boring....
15 February 2024
Overall, this film just "feels" sort of odd.... like it's unpolished. There are just minor nuances that work against any "suspension of disbelief". Things like someone speaking one sentence in *too* perfect English. I.e. ".. that is how things are meant to be" as opposed to "...that's how things're meant ta be". Or one person looks sparkling clean when everyone else looks dusty and worn. Or.. the long hair wigs on the male actors just look unrealistic (if not reused between actors - seriously looks like the same long hair wig on several different actors).

There's FAR too much attempt at some sort of emotional pull for Jane.. but there's ZERO character development for her. This is NOT a story about how Jane got her nickname. Not even close. It STARTS with Jane already having her nickname and apparently some sort of reputation. It's not even a story about Jane really.... it's a story that *happens* to have Jane, Buffalo Bill, etc. In it - that's all. There's no reason all the character names couldn't have been changed to completely unrecognizable names, the film would have been the same.

Honestly, I didn't care about any of the characters - but it was CLEAR that was the intent of some scenes. It was clearly striving to be some sort of "emotional western". But came across as just formulaic and cliché.

Overall, this film has an air of a "made for TV" film.. that same melodramatic acting and soundtrack.. and storyline. LITTERED with clichés in scenes, characters, settings, and dialog.

This film is not really horrible, but it is exceptionally unremarkable and forgettable.

Some foul language, western violence. (shooting, etc). No sex or nudity or adult content (might have been a kiss at most).
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