Review of 2000 Mules

2000 Mules (2022)
Super Spreader of the Stupid Sickness
14 February 2024
This package of lies was created solely to spread Trump's Stolen Election Big Lie. The falsehood that enabled him to return from the grave with a death-grip on the GOP. It's a web of deception, misinformation, disinformation, hand-waving, and chicanery.

And always stupidly so. None of the fantasy "mules" are even shown. Nobody visits more than one box - except the uncredited actor. ONE person drops off more than one ballot - legally. Nobody is connected with cellphone data. No such data is shown or was ever produced. No "crimes were solved". All the "data" screens and maps are mock-ups. Zero evidence of the supposed massive fraud in nursing homes. And all the producers later admitted that it proved nothing.

It's just lies, and lies, and lies - because there's no downside to doing that! In fact it brings in $millions AND convinces Trump's base that our entire election system is broken... so he should just be dictator.

The film is dissected and debunked in many places, but a prime source is Paola Poot Dibou. Search on You T ube for her name. She points out, among many other things, that EVERY SINGLE NUMBER IS FALSE. On T witter she has an almost frame-by-frame debunk.

It's a huge hoax from beginning to end, created by a professional in deception and himself a convicted election crime felon. A giant political crime against our nation.
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