Killer Twin (2018 TV Movie)
Suberb casting!
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's not often that the casting director gets the acclaim that they fully deserve but Ann Forry should be given a major cinematic award for finding two actresses who are almost identical to play the parts of the twins in the title.

Both actresses carry off their roles with aplomb in what is a fully enjoyable, exhilarating and suspenseful movie blockbuster.

All the thespians are at the top of their game and the discerning viewers enjoyment is only enhanced by a wonderful script which keeps one hooked until the end credits roll.

Especial mention must be made of V. G Winter as the delivery man. He is obviously a thespian of undoubted talent but his time on screen was far too brief to showcase his credentials and it is to be hoped that he will get well deserved more rewarding roles in similar future cinematic classics.

The same could be said of Nelson Wong who plays Marvyn the Banker. It is a travesty that this man is not a household name... He deserves better than minor roles, albeit in first class films such as this and it was a great shame that he sustained a nasty blow to the head courtesy of a medium sized deposit box which effectively cut short his bravura performance.

Lindsay Hartley is outstanding as Kendra Walker but the actress who plays her twin sister also delivers a power packed performance and one can only hope that we will see much more of the ladies in future similarly demanding roles.

Ultimately, this smorgasbord of cinematic delights should act as a warning to all award winning young teachers to beware of sisters who look uncannily like them and for bankers who go by the name of Marvyn to look out for doppelgangers who wield medium sized metal deposit boxes.

A rollicking great film!
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