Review of R.M.N.

R.M.N. (2022)
a CAT scan of the present situation
13 February 2024
Cristian Mungiu has been one of the main directors of the Romanian New Wave in the twenty-first century. He made a splash with 2007's "4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days", about a woman seeking an abortion during the Ceausescu era. Now he brings us "R. M. N.", about a topic more relevant to the present. It focuses on xenophobia in a small town, and all the issues surrounding it. Basically, no one has noble intentions in this case.

It's based on an incident in Ditrau in 2020. The title is the Romanian initials for the medical procedure shown in one scene, a sort of CAT scan. In this case, the director does a CAT scan of this town, showing what's beneath the surface. It just goes to show that we don't always know what sort of people surround us. Worth seeing.

The song played by the orchestra in the church is Johannes Brahms's "Hungarian Dance". It appeared in "The Great Dictator", where the barber shaves a man to the tune. Allan Sherman later used the tune for a song about various cuisines.
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