The Floor (2024– )
Flawed and likely rigged
13 February 2024
It's absolutely infuriating that when someone doesn't know an answer, the other person doesn't have to answer it. This is a tragic flaw. It essentially turns each showdown into a coin toss. The clues start very obvious, quickly turn obscure, and then flip back to obvious. Whoever happens to be unfortunate enough to get stuck with the first obscure clue loses several seconds by stumbling or passing and then it's over. That few seconds is all it takes to lose and they can get stuck in an endless loop of unknown clues until their time runs out and their opponent wins without having to answer anything.

This flaw makes the entire premise of the show pointless. They might as well just get up there, flip a coin, and whoever gets tails loses because how much you know means absolutely nothing. Nobody wins by answering more clues. They all win by default when their opponent can't answer or stumbles on a clue that they themselves don't have to answer. This would be fixed by simply having a contestant pass the question to the other contestant and having them stumble on it as well and then they're both even for both not knowing it. But nope, only one person gets punished.

This makes me really suspect the entire thing is rigged. They purposely throw in an obscure clue to the person they want to lose and by design it cannot be passed and hurt the chosen winner. There's no way anyone designed and implemented this game without realizing what's happening. This has to be purposely done to give guaranteed control of the outcomes. So it's either rigged or a coin toss. No knowledge required either way.
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