Immaculate (2021)
Total BS
11 February 2024
I don't know how it is in Romania, but this garbage would not occur here in America. Don't waste your time

Where do you find a medical rehabilitation facility that has Coed sleeping in the same room as well as the same Bed????? That was the very first red flag that this movie is a big fat crock of Bull. I saw the previews so I was curious as to how this woman who is in drug rehabilitation became a sex toy/sex slave during her course of rehab???

It only took a few minutes in to see shoddy scripting and mammoth size holes in the so-called plot. I take it that the audience is supposed to be dumber than a box of rocks to think that the staff would allow such behavior to exist under normal circumstances.

This should be files under fantasy fiction, and the writer and director sued for gross incompetence.
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