Robot Dreams (2023)
An animated children's film for adults! [+73%]
11 February 2024
Hats off to director Pablo Berger for bringing Sara Varon's graphic novel to life in such a moving way. It revolves around the themes of friendship, longing, betrayal, and healing; plus, it has a dog and a robot as protagonists. Set in '80s NYC, the silent 2D-animated flick exudes a resonating hand-drawn charm, with the city's cosmopolitanism showcased to remarkably messy effect. I've taken a liking to ambitious filmmakers attempting to bring childrens' graphic novels to life, but with the realization that the underlying subject matter always finds greater relatability within adults.

Friendship (no matter the circumstances, and between whoever) is always something that'll immediately grab our attention, and that's the case here too. The film is adorably punctuated by great music, and I like to think, at times, there's nothing better than music to put emotions across. The visuals are filled with retro NYC essentials, and since Dog is a snacker, it shouldn't surprise you that there's plenty of food and beverages on display. I mention this because the film also left me reasonably hungry (and craving a hot dog and a pack of Flamin' Cheetos!).

The protagonists get separated quite early on, and you can draw easily parallels to real-world situations. Dog is trying to find new friends, and going on new adventures, and some of these chapters (or subplots) have that episodic quality to them. Not all of them contribute to the plot, such as the skiing adventure-turned-mishap, but they indicate the passage of time. On the other hand, Robot is left all alone on the beach, with only his dreams for company. The dream sequences have a likeable charm to them, even when you know they're just "dreams" (read: wishful thinking). The episode with the family of birds was wonderful, and one of the most memorable stretches in the film alongside the achingly beautiful finale.
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