A twisted thriller with tension , suspense and in which all the actors shine sufficiently
11 February 2024
Follows Juan (Luís Tosar) , an agent working for the intelligence services, who also reports to a parallel unit involved in illegal activities. In order to gain access to the chalet of a couple involved in arms trafficking, he approaches Wendy (Alexandra Masangkay), the Filipino maid who lives in the house, and establishes a relationship with her that will become increasingly more complex. Along the way, Juan finds himself involved with the Filipino servant, who works for the suspicious people she is watching. Things get complicated when he falls in love with the girl. In parallel, Juan carries out other "unofficial" jobs to protect the interests of the most powerful elites in the country, who have now set their eyes on Ángel González (Denis Gómez), a seemingly unremarkable politician in whose tranquil life he must search for flaws or invent them , and that's why Juan puts him a bait, his friend Marta (Georgina Amorós ) who has a dark past .

An interesting thriller with its ups and downs, containing action, suspense, intrigue, twists and turns. It is a not very credible story without any memorable moment that works in uneven way and pleasantly does not abuse testosterone. An intelligent spy movie that keeps the viewer's attention, here more is used of the acts of surveillance carried out by the spies against their victims and constant use of the computer rather than resorting to endless action scenes or explosions. It doesn't start well at all and it takes a while to get going, in an intrigue that seems quite complex but has a catchy last half hour in which its multiple threads end up coming together. Paced with certain rhythm and shot in a somewhat disjointed way, it manages to capture our attention throughout its footage but also gives the sensation of lacking something to tell that would give it a perfect unity beyond its continuous surprises. Luis Tosar gives a good acting as Juan, he's a lonely spy who works for the secret services. He's finely acompanied by a decent cast, such as: Alexandra Masangkay, Georgina Amorós, Denis Gómez, Laura Domínguez, María Botto, Juan Carlos Vellido and special mention for Miguel Rellán secret service chief.

In Código Emperador(2022) stands out the cinematography with plenty of visual style by Pablo Rosso. This expert cameraman is an expert on sinister atmospheres, as proved in ¨Venus¨, ¨Voces¨, ¨Musa¨, Verónica¨, ¨Summer camp¨, ¨Quién a hierro mata¨, saga ¨Rec¨, among others. As well as thrilling and atmospheric musical score by Elba Fernández and Xavi Font. The motion picture was professionally directed by Jorge Coira, his staging is effective and knows how to keep the viewer awake by shooting with solvency and constantly jumping from scene to avoid tiring; however, the various stories aren't well interwoven . He is a good craftsman who has made several TV episodes from known series as ¨Piratas¨ , ¨Pelotas¨ , ¨RIS Cientifica¨ , ¨El Comisario¨ , ¨Padre Casares¨ , ¨Hierro¨ and ¨Se quien eres¨ . And directing ocassionally for cinema as ¨El Año de la Garrapata¨, ¨18 comidas¨ and his last one : ¨Me he hecho viral¨(2023) . Rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and passable .
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