Calamity Jane (2024)
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Man this movie sure got blasted, and doesn't deserve it.

I thought it was an amusing way to spend some time. The leads are attractive and work well together.

It is not Academy Award material, but it is at least amusing.

Calamity herself is very likeable and I found myself rooting for her. She's very pretty too, which I do not think is an accurate representation of the real person.

But then I did not go into this movie for a history lesson.

Oh and BTW, I've been to Deadwood and the Badlands area many times. It's great for a holiday break.

But I kept remarking on the landscape, "There's no mountains in the badlands!"

It was apparently filmed near Tucson, AZ and although not representative of the Deadwood area, it is very much how Hollywood likes to represent the Old West.

Pretty good movie overall. If you're looking for something lightweight.
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