A Country Romance (2021 TV Movie)
Wow. This is the worst movie ever.
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a movie review before, yet I felt compelled after watching 5 minutes of this movie. So take my review with a grain of salt.

A COUNTRY Romance...where are the country people?!

Have none of the people in the movie ever been anywhere near the south? I didnt hear one single southern accent, not even a mediocre fake one. The brother mocks his "big city" sister in a flat neutral voice with no hint of an accent. The sister seems bright eyed and well mannered and quiet, despite being a "on the go, big city girl who can't live without her phone and doesn't know anything about farming". She didn't basic things a child would know.

As a wine lover from the south, where are they?! This neighbor guy apparently made a merlot. Southern winemakers do not grow merlot almost ever, it doesn't grow well that far south. They would grow muscadine most likely. So where are we? Southern California? Thats not the country as far as I know. That would explain the lack of accents and desire to throw a hotel in the middle of a small town where apparently they would rather have that instead of focusing on the winery that they are not taking seriously. That's just some of the plot problems I saw after watching for 5 minutes.

Then the acting is just uncanny valley robots. Everyone perfect no conflict, just smiles and no emotion.

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