The Fresh Beat Band (2009–2013)
Sweet and Silly
9 February 2024
My 18 month old loves this show so much. She was a little put off by the actor change for Marina in Season 3-though not by the change up with Reed in Season 2, likely because he was such a minor character.

The first two seasons have weaker storylines than Season 3 and repeat a lot of silly gimmicks for kids. Marina One has a more distinguishable singing voice in the quartet than Marina Two, but Marina Two is definitely a better dancer. It would have been better in my opinion if they introduced Marina Two as her own character, like maybe Marina's cousin Martina, or something silly like that. Opportunity lost, I guess.

Shout, Twist, and Kiki all have strong performances and characters. All characters get a pretty even amount of storyline over the course of the seasons.

It's a good show to introduce kids to music and dancing with positive messages.
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