Long movie that's takes a long time to be very long for no apparent reason.
9 February 2024
This is so long yet there is very little substance to it. Some Indians were killed in some plot to secure their oil by some bad white people. Boo hoo. There is very little emotion in the film. Everyone dies all the time. There is no action or suspense. You will need energy drinks so as you don't fall asleep. There are too many characters with little to nothing to add to the story. Yet it doesn't drag. Sure it's the longest thing you'll ever see but it's watchable at the same time. It just seems to keep on going and then it ends very abruptly. So I don't think it's well paced to take 3.5 hours getting there to have such a poor ending. There is no payoff for watching this self indulgent movie for so long. At least when Tarantino makes a long film there is always a payoff for having watched. It's a good experience that you walk away going yeah that was good. It was long but good. This is beyond long and there is no payoff.
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