It made no sense. Don't bother watching.
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I eventually watched this right the way through on my third attempt. I know, I deserve to never be allowed to watch anything ever again.

It started off ok, except for the dodgy accents, and like others have said it looked good. But it was such a horrific mess.

On the first two attempts I figured I was too tired to follow the plot and must have missed something obvious. I definitely didn't.

There's just too many things going on.

So, there's a murderer who was sacrificed to allow the ship to never sink. He then went into someone else's body to go about murdering and trying to get off the ship. Instead of just getting off the ship with no fuss.

Then he's still hanging about in the captain? Or the captains from each time all know and keep quiet?

Then everyone who has ever died is trapped there, but you only see a few of them?

And the second mom laughs because she gets it in the back of the police car, but we don't know what she gets.

The little girl is still wandering about and saved the boy, but the mom killed the boy when they were at home?

The guy threw away the evidence before they left the boat after gleefully buying a picture of the little girl?!?!

Seriously, something went wrong somewhere and the result is a hot mess.

3/10 is being overly generous and I'm a generous scorer.

I like the kids in this. They don't deserve to have their future reputations tarnished by this drivel.

Marking this as spoilers even though it's impossible to spoil this film more.
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