Ignore the leads, and stay for the supporting cast
7 February 2024
I'll start off with the bad. The main "love" story between Frederick Threnchard and Clara Dunn is a problem. He has the personality of a block of wood, and Clara's instant love for him is a puzzlement. To her credit, away from him, the actress comes alive, so I'm assuming he's sucking the charisma out of her.

To be fair, the actor is saddled with a ludicrous storyline where his personality and demeanor is explained by his father being cruel to him and loving his brother more. So, he has to spend copious amounts of time, staring off into space, wallowing in his man pain. He's tedious and boring, and his hatred for his brother is so irrational and off-putting.

BUT, there is stuff to recommend here. Toby Regbo as Frederick's kindly brother, who is devoted to his work as a Reverand, and hides a painful secret from the world, is a revelation, and easily the most interesting character in the show. Sophie Thompson as Clara's dottering mother is charming and sweet. Hannah Onslow, playing Clara's less effervescent sister nails her characters barely disguised bitterness. Liam Garrigan and Elaine Cassiday also shine as members of the household staff with their own stories to tell. And Sophie Windkleman and Miles Jupp as the Duke and Duchess of Rochester have a side story that is surprisingly effective.

Jury is out for me on Edward Bluemel's doctor character, but perhaps he'll become more fully fleshed out as the show goes on. The actor is solid, so that helps. But he feels threadbare as a character.

I do think the show suffers from pacing issues, and whatever big bad thing that happened between Frederick and James really should've been revealed already. The longer its drawn out, the more likely it is to disappoint when its revealed.
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