It is not what it is appear
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know why so many people are disappointed. It looks like a children/young adults fantasy/sci-fi movie, and it is and it is not at the same time. They are trying to deliver something important. But not everyone is ready for the message right now, but they will definitely be one day. Yes, the script has some issues, I cannot deny that. (But it is working so much better as Sinister Seduction, also staring Tannar Buchanan, without any doubt. - I watched both movies in one day. This first and then the other.)

I personally do not like the part, where they are forcing to people deal with their trauma by force. In real life, it can actually create another big trauma. A person needs to be ready, a person needs to make that decision when it feels right for them. I know life is pushing us to do it, but it is doing better way. On the other hand, it is good for young (and some who are longer young ;)) people to show, that they do not have to carry it. That there is a way to deal with it. Be gentle, with yourself and with others.
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