Underrated, from what I see on this site.
3 February 2024
A very enjoyable thriller which starts stronger than it finishes, The Marsh King's Daughter is about a young woman stalked by her criminal father after she starts a new life away from him after he abducted her mother many years previously. Can she sever the still-lingring attachment she feels towards him forever?

I must say, I was surprised to discover the low rating for the movie on here. As far as I'm concerned, it gripped me it's mixture of our titular protagonist adapting to city life with her new family after spending so long in the wilderness, and the tension-packed present when she discovers her supposely dead convicted papa might not be so deceased after all.

So after both the drama and suspence are both top notch, the fact the film ends with one of those oh-so-predictable violent struggles struggles out of the Hollywood playbook was a tad dispiriting, not not enough to stop me from giving it any less than 7/10.
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