Sight Unseen (2024– )
This was totally irresponsible
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so the commercials really bothered me when I saw them but I held out to watch at least the first episode.

There is so much wrong with this that I cannot even suspend my disbelief.

The main character is blind. Period. As someone who wears thick glasses and knows if I take them off I am almost helpless, this is not a good show to air in this time of overly influenced people. I can also guarantee that she would not move the way she does if she was blind and relying on someone's direction. This app would have been decent for me but I am a data scientist not a detective. A detective needs to know and interpret things on another level. It's convenient that all interactions are recorded but can you say lawsuit? And "work a grid left to write ..." does not make the operator observant enough for this. And as a detective is this person covered for privacy? Oh yeah she signed wavers for the app but the police need to know and more relevant the lawyers need to sign off on it. Law suit, law suit law suit.

It is a great idea for an "eye in the sky" partner, but partner, not a seeing eye app.

Overall this concept is a bad idea. There will be people who see this and think yeah I can fake not being blind. Big question is, would you want a Dr operating on you if they were blind? Only thing they have is some min wage worker directing them? A cop investigating your murder, how well would that really go?

Sure it's feel good and yeah I can do anything cheer up material but reality matters.
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