Review of Expats

Expats (2023–2024)
Can I have just 5 minutes without a woman's appearance being dissected?
3 February 2024
I might (read: probably am) naive, but can we collectively at least try to evolve beyond the relentless criticism of female bodies and faces? It's exhausting. Not that it matters, but I think she's actually done less to herself the last couple of years. Even if I'm wrong, a) who gives a kit, and b, c, d & e) she's still really, really good at what she does, including what she does here. For the 9/10 of you that say you "can't get past her face/ lips/ whatever", honestly, just can it already. And while I'm at it, I don't care how old you think she looks compared to her husband either. I'd hazard to guess that none of you are handwringing over the May-December relationships that exist in the 99,530 other films when it's a man who's senior, so check your sexism already.

Is the pacing sitcom-speed pacing? No. Is it even "Succession"-speed pacing? Again, no. It's a slow burn, so know that going in, but it's also a compelling storyline, as "worst nightmare" scenarios often are. I'm into it.
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