Serious contender for the worst film I have ever seen
31 January 2024
I really gave it a chance, but couldn't make it all the way through the film it was so bad and cringy.

Every other word is swearing, there is excess and then there is this movie. You could probably halve the script by taking the swearing out. Whats left of the script is not much better. Its the story you've all seen before, the same misfits heroic journey like Mighty Ducks but much, much, worse. Snoop Dogg should stick to music, he cannot act to save his life.

There will probably be a bunch of tweens who think the swearing is really edgy and funny, but Snoop Dogg is almost of pension age and it just doesn't work. It just gets really old and really stale really fast, its not clever that every sentence is peppered with profanities.
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