The Old Oak (2023)
Powerful culmination of Loach's works
31 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ken Loach is, indeed, an incredible filmmaker, having provided lots of incredible dramas about the struggles of everyday society for many decades - and if this is, as rumor suggests, his last directoral - it is indeed an immensely powerful way to end it.

The actors all do an incredible job, very emotional, real and accompining Loach's script beautifully. Many of them are rather fresh actors, and it is indeed very career defining, I hope to see more of them. The script showcases the struggles of this small town beautifully, and in ways that is reminiscent of Loach's earlier works, and in a way reaches its big turning point. Very powerful, very emotional, expertly paced - very realistic.

The cinematography, cutting and editing is incredible and very much in line with Loach's style, very unique, and almost a documentary feel to much of it. Very unconventional and beautifully put together.

Overall, definitely a masterful drama, perhaps Ken Loach's best, and of course highly recommended for any lover of film! Excellent start to the movie season.
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