13/13/13 (2013)
Deadly virus turns population into homicidal lunatics
31 January 2024
Attempted remake of George R. Romero's seminal horror film 'The Crazies' is an equally low-budget effort that follows the desperate attempts of Ireland and Coker to escape from the local hospital overrun by rabid patients who've contracted a mind altering virus which turns them into psychotic killers.

Bloody in the extreme, there's an excess of gory killings using just about any implement in sight. My personal favourite was the guy getting his head mashed in the doorway, although there are some other savage beatings which also rate. The two Jim-Bobs camped at the house who think they're in the American Civil War taking pot shots at approaching crazies is comically funny, whilst Oz audiences might recognise burly former NRL star Ian Roberts playing the car park homicidal maniac who goes absolutely berserk. Totally over the top, as is the case with the whole film.

Doesn't take itself too seriously and has just about enough gas to go the distance but the plot needed another angle to get it across the line. Instead, the climax is basically just a continuation of the previous 80 minutes, and the conclusion leaves the bigger issues unresolved.
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