More Effort, But Still Lacking
30 January 2024
'Psycho Cop Returns' improves upon a poor dtv original, but the bar was set pretty low so it doesn't mean as much as it sounds. Satanic cop Joe Vickers is back to dole out his brand of justice, but it's the addition of some decent gore and gratuitous female nudity that make it mildly passable. You just have to tolerant the cliche plot, bad puns and make sure to watch the unrated version.

A bunch of co-workers can't wait until end of the business day so they can sneak some lovely strippers (Julie Strain included) into their office building for a pal's bachelor party. The issue is Psycho Cop (Bobby Ray Shafer) has overheard their plans being discussed earlier at a donut shop and he has his own idea for how the night will go that isn't quite as fun or sexy.

If you can get past the wacky idea of a bachelor party in an office highrise you'll find the setting is more in line for a bunch of killing. The first film had a house in the middle of rural nowhere. 'Psycho Cop Returns' still features an over-the-top performance from Shafer and one of the office guys acting is horrible. However the blood and boobs help the predictable story from ever getting too annoying.
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