Should you like characters in films?
30 January 2024
One of my friend once said "you know, I've decided because I don't like the show Friends. Because all the characters are jerks". I was strongly ambivalent to his feeling because I think we're not supposed to like them, at least we don't have to. Otherwise, wrap it up guys, we don't have stories to write about. But after this 10-year-old girl's multiple tantrums I'm asking myself where is the line between not liking the character and getting annoyed by the character? And I understand an author has all the rights to create a character to trigger an emotion reaction even when it's hatred towards this character. And that's ok. My guess, the reason everybody responds to Liz' in this unsettling way is the focus on her as a main character and angling her story as existentionalistic journey, hers is a "me story". It's because the show has been balancing between the good idea and as what I call televisionisms. The story is obviously is not about Elizabeth Keen. It's not even starting with her which of course is not a universal sign, granted. But if you take it into account with the whole story you realize that yes it's not about her. But let's not forget it was produced for TV, creators always have to compromise to make it appealing to a broader audience. And don't blame them for that. It's either you make compromises and you have the budget and you're able to make a great story alive or you say "F the TV", write your intellectual genius obscure piece, shoot it with 1000 dollars and upload it to YouTube. And as the matter of fact many do, and we have enough of it too. SO it is what it is. To keep a show alive you have to add a line of a supposedly brave female character, you have to add her self-observing angle, her feelings and dreams, and so on. The same was with Alias which I couldn't finish watching, and I tried. Remember those repetitive scenes where she sits on a couch and that similar sobbing songs is always on the background? But let's imagine for a second that we make her an absolutely likeable character by giving her logic, common sense, ability to adapt to situation. Then it would steer the whole story into this character. Considering that I would say, way to go, guys! And Megan did her job precisely how it supposed to be. So, I just always watch this show as if it's clearly about Reddington. If it helps you might try watching it as if Elizabeth is a mild villain in this story. :-) 7 is because it's not the best episode.
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