I thought he was better than this. I really did.
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've always loved sitcoms, and King of Queens is a personal favourite. It has been ever since I first watched it so many years ago. In fact, I still watch reruns regularly, and sometimes fall asleep with it on. It, or other sitcoms.

I even enjoyed a couple of Kevin James' movies.

This is why, when Amazon Prime recommended this comedy special to me I watched it right away. I'd never heard about it before, and was excited to watch it.

Well, that was all for naught.

I expected to laugh a lot, but I maybe laughed once during the entire hour or so. It didn't seem like the crowd even laughed much, yet they gave him a standing ovation? I don't know why, because this wasn't funny. It also wasn't original at all.

If you're looking for 'jokes' about not trusting doctors, how kids should still be beaten with belts and how much his wife talks then this is for you. How about how bad video games are and how soft kids are these days? Those old, unoriginal, uninteresting and unfunny staples are all here. It's like a time machine!

This was honestly one of the worst sets of 'comedy' I've ever seen. It also surprised me, because I thought Kevin James was better than this. Well, more original and less of an old curmudgeon from the 80s.
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