Poor Things (2023)
Poorly Executed Things: A Review of "Poor Things"
29 January 2024
Poorly Executed Things: A Review of "Poor Things" While "Poor Things" boasts a promising premise - a Victorian Frankenstein story with a feminist twist - its execution leaves much to be desired. Here's why:

Narrative Stumbles: 1. Uneven pacing: The film whipsaws between slapstick humor and dark, unsettling themes, leaving the audience in narrative whiplash. Some scenes feel rushed, while others linger tediously.

2. Unbalanced characters: Bella, the resurrected protagonist, is fascinating in concept, but her character development is erratic. Supporting characters, like the scientist and the lawyer, are caricatures with little depth.

3. Questionable plot choices: The film's attempt to blend social commentary with grotesque humor backfires, leaving viewers unsure whether to laugh or cringe.

Technical Flaws: 1. Overindulgent CGI: The film relies heavily on CGI, often to the detriment of the story. The Frankensteinian creations, while visually striking, feel detached from the emotional core of the narrative.

2. Uneven tone: The film's stylistic choices are inconsistent, with garish costumes and sets clashing with the gritty Victorian setting. The score, too, oscillates between whimsy and discord, adding to the overall sense of disjointedness.

Missed Opportunities: 1. Feminist potential squandered: The film's initial promise of exploring Victorian gender roles and female agency evaporates in the face of shock value and grotesqueness. Bella's empowerment feels unearned and overshadowed by the film's fixation on the sensational.

2. Historical context ignored: The film's steampunk setting feels like a gimmick, with little exploration of the social and political realities of the Victorian era. The potential for a thoughtful critique of class and gender dynamics is wasted in favor of cheap thrills.

Overall: "Poor Things" is a visually arresting, but ultimately incoherent and unsatisfying film. Its promising premise is undermined by narrative and technical flaws, leaving the audience with a sense of disappointment rather than enlightenment. While some may find its dark humor and bizarre visuals entertaining, the film's failure to deliver on its deeper themes leaves a lasting impression of missed potential.
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