Reasonably fun rom-com
29 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The amnesia plot is a tried and true staple of movies, yet it never seems to get old. In this movie, we have a slight twist, in that Zach, the amnesia victim, forgets any information about his girlfriend Zoey except that he has a girlfriend named Zoey, who apparently looks kind of like a different Zoey, who he mistakes for being her. Okay, this whole plotline is pretty unbelievable (not to mention the fact that the actresses playing the two Zoeys don't really look like each other), but if you just accept it without too much of a critical eye, it's actually pretty enjoyable.

The Other Zoey is hardly a perfect movie. The storyline is full of plot holes. The dialog is okay, but is often cheesy. Josephine Langford and Drew Starkey, as Zoey and Zach, gave reasonably good performances, to be fair. They were both likable and relatable, and certainly photogenic. Also, the main message of the movie was good, i.e., that you don't have to find someone who is "compatible" with you to have a good relationship, and that opposites can definitely attract, both with romance and with friendship, as with Zoey and her friend Elle.

The romance between Zoey and Zach did feel a bit underdeveloped. I liked their interactions playing games and making pizza. Those were fun. There just needed to be a little more to convince me that Zoey would fall in love with a guy like Zach. The love triangle wasn't well done either. First off, regardless of Zoey's supposed compatibility with Miles on an intellectual level, I wasn't feeling any chemistry between the two of them. Maybe some lust on his end, which I guess was the point. Plus he's not even good-looking. And he fizzled out as a realistic alternative to Zach way too early in the movie. It was like watching Twilight and having Jacob being disqualified as a potential love interest for Bella halfway into the first movie.

Another thing I wish they had done differently was to make Zoey more convincingly nerdy. She was way too attractive to pull that off, even if she was spouting tech jargon all the time. Maybe at least put a pair of glasses on her or something?

There's lots of reasons to be critical of this movie. But at the end of the day, it was still fun to watch and it left you with he good feeling you expect when you sit down to a rom-com. Just put your skepticism on the shelf for a couple of hours, and you'll definitely like it.
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