A distinctly corrupt, murky story that goes right the way into UK government.
29 January 2024
A distinctly corrupt, murky story that goes right the way into government, the British Post Office scandal resulted in false criminal convictions, unlawful imprisonments, loss of livelihoods and homes, debts and bankruptcies - and took a heavy toll on the victims and their families, leading to stress, illness, divorce and, in at least four cases, suicide.

Hence the British Post Office scandal - which is still ongoing - also damaged severely the credibility of the UK Judicial System; which ultimately is responsible for having facilitated a travesty of Justice - in particular wrongful convictions and unlawful imprisonments of innocent people.

The fact that we are living now in the Computer Age complicates matters of course - so we have to be very careful to avoid the pifalls that faulty computer systems can cause; which includes distorting and corrupting the moral compass of society.

Either we have to revert back to the old ways and resort to old-fashioned accounting and managment methods (before society was dependent on computers); or we have to adapt and improve governmental and legal mechanisms to prevent such a complete and utter breakdown of Rule of Law, Integrity and Ethics in the future.

NB: MI5 and MI6 had knowledge of the cover-up and that innocent sub-postmaster were falsely and unlawfully arrested - and victimized to the point of suicide. Hence in future we expect MI5 and MI6 to intervene in such matters - and provide the neccessary information to the Press and Judiciary without delay - to save the lives of People and prevent such a travesty of justice in the future.

So it's all hands on deck now :)

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