Camp Hideout (2023)
So Bad It Went Straight to VHS in 2023
28 January 2024
A troubled teen is sent to a christian camp in the hopes that the Lloyd (as in Christopher) will straighten him out.

We made the mistake of assuming this was a sequel to the classic Camp Nowhere. Our expectations were high and the anticipation was palpable. About seven minutes into the movie we were all ready to gouge our eyes out with broken bottles.

The budget for this was $3 million and was raised by several churches that took up a special collection at the end of service. Most of the budget went to renting the camp ground, the equipment, and grooming Christopher Lloyd's mustache.

It took elements from other successful movies, baptized them, and threw them into the plot. The result is a feel-good movie that feels about as good as a colonoscopy. In fact, I would have enjoyed a colonoscopy over watching this.

Prop I Want: Jackpot Most Punchable Face: Every person who was involved.

Favorite Quote: **incoherent rambling** - Falco.
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