Spring in theater
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The English name of the movie is '12.12:The Day'. But Korean name is 'Spring in Seoul'

The most impressive thing of the movie is that it have the audience think the various things by themselves. Beyond the loyalty and the betrayal, the democracy and the tyranny, and the army of information and the army of disinformation, the movie makes the audience think about those by themselves. Any director couldn't make it happened intentionally. But it only could be succeeded by the genius directing.

The second most impressive thing is the unforgettable scripts in it. "Kim Ill-Sung(The former DPRK ringleader) can't never attack ROK now !", "We, army are all at the same side.", "The front is here for now !", "I'll crush you with tank by myself !" and "If you fail they'll call you a coup, but if you succeed they'll call you a revolution !" Surprisingly, there're more scripts I remember though it's been over a month passed since I watched the movie.

The two main actors did their job amazingly. Jeon Do-Kwang(based on the former dictator of ROK, Jeon Do-Whan) is a character who leads rebel army, is a big shot of illegal inner circle of army. Lee Tae-Shin(based on the former patriot general, Jang Tae-Wan) is the character who leads the suppression force, collapsing army. Everything happened around these 2 main characters. And the movie showed it very well.

12.12:The Day scores more than 13 million audiences in Korea. There're the people of the middle ages who know the history and the young ages who don't know it or don't care of it. If it couldn't move both of the people, it couldn't succeed such a great score. It's also amazing score because it achieved in theatre not in OTT.

Which means that If someone made a great movie, people will visit a theatre again to watch it. I want to call it a 'Hope'.

For the fan of a political + military thriller, I highly recommend you of 12.12:The Day. (If you can take a captioned movie.)
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