Quincy M.E.: The Cutting Edge (1983)
Season 8, Episode 24
Not with a bang, but with a whimper...
27 January 2024
... is the way Quincy ends. There is very little Quincy to be seen actually, which was true of more than a few of the season eight episodes.

A construction worker loses an arm in an accident and is taken to a hospital that has the resources to take the tough cases - in this case the reattachment of the man's arm. This place is called "Project Hope". So this segues into some kind of failed pilot that was supposed to be about the doctors involved in this project and who worked in the hospital.

The head of project hope, Dr. Gabe McCracken, is passionate but overworked, his marriage is on the rocks, and his teen son is troubled. A female doctor is a robotics expert and is being wooed by someone whom she arrogantly calls less intelligent than herself. And everyone seems to hate Dr. Muscanni because he believes in rules. Heaven forbid his protocols inhibit their creativity! In other words, cue the tired hospital drama stereotypes and tropes. There is one thing that was a bit different and amusing - Dr. McCracken gets hit on by a 30ish red head at his son's baseball game. Maybe these kinds of encounters are why his wife left?

At any rate, the pilot never became a series and it isn't hard to see why not. But the real issue is - Why did the producers consider this to be a suitable end to Quincy, the series? It doesn't wrap up loose ends at all or say what happened to everybody. Even Barney Miller, which tended to be very episodic, got a meaningful series finale the year before! The double episode on Quincy's wedding probably should have been the end of things.

Not a good pilot, not a good finale - I'd just say avoid it.
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