An engaging and interesting documentary that pays tribute to Hitchcock.
27 January 2024
Questions about Hitchcock's films and life will be answered in this good documentary. Some of his films were undisputed masterpieces and their past or immediate impact and future influence on filmmakers were and will be enormous and cannot be underestimated. My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock(2022) pays tribute to Hitch's films with scenes from Rebecca, Suspicion, Notorious, Shadow of a Doubt, Foreign Correspondent, Lifeboat, The Rope, Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, Vertigo, The Man who Knew Too Much, North by Northwest, To Catch a Thief, The Birds, Topaz, Torn Curtain, Frenzy and even the only non-thriller directed by Hitch: Mr. And Mrs. Smith. And of course, "Psycho" was not only Hitchcock's most successful film, it was a phenomenon in itself and the highlight of the film is, of course, the shower scene with 78 shots and 52 cuts that changed cinema forever. There's an unprecedented look at the iconic shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho (1960), a tribute to the film of the master's best-known thriller.

2022 marked the centenary of Hitchcock's first feature film. A century later he remains one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. This documentary/homage was well written, produced and directed by Mark Cousins, it reexamines the vast filmography and legacy of one of the greatest filmmakers of the 20th century through his own voice. Explore the work and personality of the British director who managed to fascinate the public with films such as ¨Rear Window¨, Vertigo¨, ¨North by Northwest¨ or ¨Psycho¨. A cinematographic essay that analyzes Hitch's public personality, and delves deeply into his works, including the lesser-known ones and those from his silent era. As a fictional Alfred Hitchcock narrates an explanation of some of the lesser known cinematic techniques he used in his movies, richly illustrated with clips from his entire 50-year career. Depicting Hitch's early British period when he directed silent films such as the successful ¨The lodger¨ (1926) , ¨The ring¨(1927) , ¨Easy virtue¨ (1927) , ¨The Manxman¨(29) ; being ¨Blackmail¨(29) made as a silent , this was reworked to become a talkie . Following sound movies and early talkies as ¨June and the Paycock¨(30) , ¨Skin Game¨(31) , ¨Rich and strange¨(32) , ¨Number 17¨(32) , ¨The man who knew too much¨(34) , ¨The 39 steps¨ (35) , ¨The secret agent¨(36) , ¨Blackmail¨(36) , ¨The lady vanishes¨(38) . After ¨39 Steps¨ and ¨Jamaica Inn¨, Hitch was encouraged to go to America and quickly filmed his first work in Hollywood hired by the great producer David O'Selznick to shoot ¨Rebecca¨ and after ¨Suspicion¨, ¨Notorious¨ and ¨Spellbound¨. Because Hitch felt controlled by O'Selznick, he founded his own company Trasatlantic along with Sidney Bernstein with which he produced ¨Rope¨ and the flop ¨Under Capricorn¨.

Mark Cousins, the award-winning filmmaker behind ¨The History of Cinema: An Odyssey¨, ¨The eyes of Orson Welles¨ and ¨The storms of Jeremy Thomas¨, approaches the iconic British author with a radical new approach: through of his own voice. As Hitch rewatches his films, we embark on an odyssey through a vast career: his vivid silent films and the legendary films of the 50s and 60s and the subsequent ones. Although Hitch was nominated for an Oscar 5 times, he never won the Academy Award for Best Director, however he finally won the honorary Oscar and was lovingly honored by the American Film Institute with the attendance of the greatest Hollywood stars of the past and present. My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock(2022) was screened at the 2023 Glasgow International Film Festival and other Festivals, winning various prizes and nominations.
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