Babylon (I) (2022)
Another great film by my dear Babylonians in Hollywood :)
26 January 2024
This is another great film with my favourite Australian actress - Margot Robbie - who is the shooting star in Hollywood currently - and fully deserved, of course :)

In fact, both Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt are superb in this fine film, highlighting that an actors fame and success in Hollywood is very fleeting and superficial (especially if they are drug addicts and alcoholics) unlike great revolutionaries and human rights activists - who are remembered in history much longer. Even though the really great revolutionary Peacemakers - like yours truly, Moses and Jesus - have no money at all, because they are disliked by the establishment for their purity and virtue, and are therefore crucified by corrupt and ignorant politicians.

However, actors and artists certainly also have great merits - as this fine film shows - and often compliment and complete Human Rights Activists and Revolutionaries - like Yin and Yang, cat and dog, America and Mexico, cocaine and beer bottle, trumpet and saxophone - as well as music and freedom.

I also liked the cool elephant in this film, who crashed into the Hollywood Party - who in many ways is symbolic of America, I think.

In fact, Americans are quite different from us Europeans, being not the most intelligent species, but having picked up quite efficient war strategies from their Native American brethren :)

So in all humility, I would like to inform the Putin regime and the Kremlin, that I do not control America fully - as some Americans do not regard me as their President yet - but rather as a revolutionary, who is supposed to get his butt out of America again - or so I have heard.

Also, the US Congress is currently dominated by the Republicans. So should the American elephant be unleashed in Europe - just like in WW2 - the US under my leadership, would push this time for a lasting Peace between America and Russia.

In other words, Russia and the US must finally bury the hatchet, and work together on International Peacebuilding.

It should also be noted, that UN chief Antonio Guterres said that it was time for Russia to end their absurd war in Ukraine, declaring the conflict unwinnable.

Guterres added that the only outcome to more fighting was more suffering, more destruction, and more horror as far as the eye can see.

Hence we are strongly encourage all Russian troops to withdraw from Ukraine and engage in Peace Talks; so that Diplomacy and Dialogue can be restored and Human Rights (UDHR) can be restored in the International Community.

On that note, we encourage all Global Citizens to join us in Meditation and Prayer to manifest Peace on Earth.

Love and Light / Peace Profound.

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