Review of The Kitchen

The Kitchen (I) (2023)
Pot Noodle.
23 January 2024
Bland. Mucky & Pointless. Offers no value. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

The movie is just too vague and low on ingredients (or a real story) to offer it's audience anything of worth.

The setting and timeframe feels stolen from a much better dystopian movie which offers nothing to the plot. The SciFi elements feel more like they are added to reinforce an idea which is already wafer-thin and feels hindered by budget to actually create any impact.

The story is more of a premise that hasn't been formulated into anything, which combined by the weak characters results in a complete lack of focus where no one really stands out, there is no one to root for and by the end you don't care about any of them.

And what leaves a bad taste in the mouth is that the trailer is deceptively misleading. You think you're getting something gourmet but it's just boil in the bag.
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