Aaron Schimberg's Sundance Breakout
22 January 2024
What I assume will be a breakout film for Aaron Schimberg, "A Different Man" explores a particular set of emotions that are attached to self-confidence while portraying the short-sided effects of instant gratification. The story provides reason to escape our imperfections until we notice someone living confidently with them. Sebastian Stan is remarkable and transformative in the role of Edward; both physically in the way that he adapts himself to the environment of constant stares and apathetic connection, and also internally with the gradual evolution of his mental complexities. Visually, the film has a 70s noir texture which is complementary to the indie aesthetic of New York City, and with flavors of drama and psychological horror, every sequence is a step in the dark and even more so with the thunderous, and at times, frightening sound design. This is such a unique project that will continue unraveling its mysteries as more people get the chance to see it.
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