The Autobots (2015)
C'mon guys, this movie has nothing to do with cars
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so good and beautiful. It is a cinematic masterpiece and I cannot believe Pixar ripped off this movie!

Hahaha, just kidding, This movie is a disgrace to my favourite movie series, which is Disney Pixar's Cars, and Cars 2. This movie is an obvious mockbuster to the movie Cars 2, and the creator lied that it was an independently produced film and it was inspired by Cars. Like dude, it's obviously a rip off. Even defending the case by saying, "I never saw cars before." How stupid do you think we are? Thankfully, disney won the copyright case.

This movie's voice actors are the worst. All the characters have child voices, in which I am sure that this movie must've been made by kids. You can obviously tell too because the animation quality is awful, like I mean AWFUL! The animation is so bad you could easily think that it was made by a two year old. EVEN A TWO YEAR OLD CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS! The animation also feels like that Johnny Johnny animation on Youtube, which is absolutely horrifying. EVen the peoples heads are really big, it is horrifying.

The plot of this movie makes no sense. It's like random stuff were thrown into a blender and uses that as their plot. The racing scenes made no sense either.

This movie is the worst of all time. Don't watch this, EVER! Unless you want to lose your sanity.
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