Teacher's Pet (2004)
One of Disney's worst
22 January 2024
The film is painfully dreadful with it being more focused on the mediocre visuals than on the plot. Speaking of the plot it's about this egotistical dog who for some reason wants to be a boy (I don't know why, they never explain it) and hitches a ride with his bratty little owner and his mom to meet with this scientist who can apparently turn animals into humans (but only mammals), and wacky mind-numbing hijinks ensue. My problems with the film are that like I said, the film wants you to look at it's visuals that (look more like they were from a Direct-To-Video film as opposed to theatrically) than for you to focus on it's plot, making it a sloppy mess with no charm whatsoever, the film pretty much just throws pretty dumb writing at you and expects you to buy it. For example the film explains that the machine that the scientist guy built can only turn mammals into humans, but later on the bird character turns into a human, birds are not mammals, so clearly why put this in if you already established it, another example is that the scientist can easily buy a normal dog instead of going after the protagonist (making him a pretty dumb antagonist). Another problem I have with the film is that the characters are not at all likable, most of them range from being annoying, to incredibly mean spirited and unlikable. The protagonist is a great example of this, because he gets an entire school to like him for no reason, and says in the beginning of the film that being a boy is the most important thing to him in the world, making him selfish and unlikable. The protagonist's owner (like I said earlier) is a huge brat that doesn't appreciate what he has in life, and constantly goes on and on about how the protagonist is supposed to be his dog, and also establishes that his dream is to just play with his dog, being another prime example of being selfish and unlikable. The mom is incredibly dumb and airheaded and doesn't realize that there are way too much blue over-dressed dogs in the world lately, DESPITE BEING A TEACHER, ONE OF THE SMARTEST KINDS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, which in my opinion furthers how dumb she is. The antagonist (like I said earlier) is pretty dumb, not only that but he also feels unnecessary given the fact that we already have an antagonistic character in the film that only appears once, but doesn't appear again until the credits, that being the principal, who for some reason hates dogs, that could've been a better potential antagonist, not at all a good one, but marginally more effective. There are also these two characters, who I kind of find okay, because they're not mean-spirited and selfish, or dumb and idiotic. AND THE SONGS, the songs have got to be the worst part of the film, the songs are not only pointless filler, but are also grating and obnoxious, they pretty much annoyed the skin off of me, they're not fun, they're not entertaining, they're not engaging, they're just annoying. And the comedy was pretty weak, not once did I laugh nor chuckle, or even giggle. I'm sorry Disney, but this has got to be one of your worst films, I'd skip this one if you don't like what I mentioned above This film became something alright, but it didn't become a boy.
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