Jodie Comer shines like a beacon as always
20 January 2024
We went to see this primarily because of Jodie Comer who we saw in Prima Facia on the screen as a film of her stage performance and were totally blown away. She is always brilliant but this was on another level and then some. We then decided to see her in this play live on Broadway and it was totally mesmerising.

This film and the recent one on Netflix with Julia Roberts about what might happen in the not too distant future are very different as this was an environmental disaster but both very believable and sadly more likely to happen than not.

This type of film is very different obviously to a thriller or action movie or romcom but like the Netflix one it has got me thinking and the more I think about both the more I think they are accurate representation of the possible things to come. Jodie Comer is totally believable as always as is her male partner who has come a long way from being I fool in a supermarket on Sky. I would recommend this film to anyone and even to use in schools for the appropriate age group as unless someone steps up the save the planet this is more likely to happen than not.

We are on an island and you only have to remember the panic for toilet rolls when the pandemic started to understand this is scarily true to life and show although most are good nice people, so many are not and would do anything to look after number one.

So I love a thriller like the next but I also like to be challenged and made to think and this film certainly did that and I think it will continue to do so for some time to come.

I also think Jodie Comer is a lovely person and one of the greatest actors of her generation and she is still early says into her career so can't wait to see what she does next.

It's also amazing to hear her natural Liverpool accent and then in Killing Eve as a totally believable Russian assassin, incredible.
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