Good Short Mystery "Book"
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure I understand the criticism of this being a slow-burn series when it's only 6 episodes.

That said, this is a "thinking person's" / "mystery book loving person's" drama. If you're more into non-stop action, (nothing wrong with that), this might not be for you.

I thought it was well-paced, well told, superbly acted, and had a satisfying finish. Those are the ingredients for good storytelling through film.

I appreciated the director's choice to not fill up that time with extra flash or gore for excitement's sake.

I liked that even many of the peripheral characters had quite memorable moments.

I liked that the story, while having a lot of cultural elements unique to Korea, still manages to be sadly believable and relatable about how far things can go astray given the occasional perfect storm of unfortunate events that sometimes happen in life.

Without giving anything away, the part pertaining to DNA was hard for me to follow at first. So I also appreciated that the story continued to make things clear in a manner which flowed naturally. In other words, I wasn't spoon-fed, but neither was I left hanging. It's nice to be treated as an adult as a viewer.

Totally recommend and totally would watch again.
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