PVC-1 (2007)
19 January 2024
A COLOMBIAN Film that is Astoundingly "DIFFERENT"!!!

BUT BEFORE diving in....

FIRST... Let us FOCUS on the Title's Content and Context:

You think you know "Reality" in movies? If you do, I invite you to take the PVC-1 CHALLENGE! BTW, due to Non-Stop PVC-1 Ricocheting around my brain since seeing it some hours ago, I have revised my rating to 10*! Upfront, I will state very clearly: I absolutely cannot even Begin to be the LEAST BIT objective about this film. I really don't think any Colombian or any long time resident of Colombia possibly could be either! 6.8 Stars Average.... Huh! Pathetic!!!

Let me tell you a few things you DON'T know about PVC-1. Forget the Blurb. This is the most realistic Single-Take, Real-Time, Docu-Drama any of us have ever seen. Why? From the "Family-That-Slays-Together-STAYS-Together" opening scene; where the Can't-Get-Out-A-Single-Sentence-Without-Multiple-Obscenities Uncle/Patriarch sociopath/psychopath "Traqueto" whips his motley crew into shape for their up-coming grizzly caper... Until the literally mind-blowing, in every sense of the word, closing scene; every minute detail, EVERYTHING depicted on-screen is a pure, unadulterated Reality Bite. 6.8 STARS?!?! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!

OK...Here is my COLOMBIAN PVC-1 CHALLENGE: As you watch the hysterical Elvia, mother of three (Merida Urquia) being fitted for her PVC-1, pipe-bomb necklace, superimpose, on her face, the face of YOUR mother, or sister, or wife, daughter, girlfriend, Aunt, cousin, or best friend...as she scrambles around desperately, for her life, as the seconds tick by. When the bomb-squad police lieutenant, who is trying franticly to save her from certain death, cuts his hand with a knife and says to her, "I'll be back in SECONDS!" She then loses it completely! "SECONDS?" Elvia shrieks insanely, "What Seconds? They took ALL my Seconds! I don't have ANY Seconds for ANYBODY!"...And then I CHALLENGE you to rate this 6.8 STARS! Because the harshly stark reality of Colombia ensures that when WE look at Elvia, we see the face of someone near and dear to us! 10**********


Any comments, questions or observations, in English o en Español, are most welcome!
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