The film should be Exiled
19 January 2024
I watched Spring Lakes from the same cast and crew and found it very lacklustre. So i wanted to give these guys another chance and watched this film. Again, the same people giving 10/10 reviews for Spring Lakes are here again giving 10/10 reviews again, whom i can only assume are the cast and crew themselves. Very shameful if this is the case. The film is not anywhere near the reviews given. Maybe we have been watching 2 different films. The 'Gameshow' theme is very poor and not clearly explained. The 2 random snipers lack the basic acting experience. Camera quality is extremely poor, with constant shaking and juddering. The fight scenes are absolutely abysmal - different camera angles do not make a poor fight scene any better - almost even worse. And the cheap props that have been used is totally laughable. Obviously we know bones and skeletons cannot be real, but its clear as day the bones are cheap plastic pieces. I've seen better halloween props in walmart. A total waste of time all round for those involved and viewers alike.
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