"To Serve and Protect"
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary infuriates me to no end. How could they think a story could be made up, so specifically detailed including taped swim googles, sedatives, a mustang, etc. I knew as soon as they had Aaron in a prison outfit things were not going to go well for him. We've learned so many things about the police, including it to be within their right to lie to the person or persons being interrogated and polygraph's aren't even admissible in court. It's too bad Aaron didn't ask if he was under arrest and left but he did the next best thing, actually the wisest thing and asked for a lawyer. Treating Denise like they did is absolutely mind blowing and that cop got an award that year? How are none of them responsible for screwing this investigation up? How are they not fired but rewarded instead? I really hope this documentary, which clearly shows their faces, names as well as their disgusting conduct and now available for the world to see, brings some sort of disparagement to them. It was amazing Denise and Aaron went on to get married and have a beautiful family, I wish them all the best. Too bad I watched this before bed because I won't be able to calm down for awhile.
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