Snake Dick (2020)
This short has absolutely nothing to offer except style over substance
17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have a pretty short short film by writer and director David Mahmoudieh. It runs for under 7.5 minutes and apparently the production company has made this one available for everybody to watch on Youtube and by now it has scored over two million views already. On imdb you can cut three zeros, but more than 2,000 ratings is also far from shabby. This was made back in 2020, so now that we have the year 2024, you can say that it is not a really new film and also not an old one. Impressive awards attention it scored too if you take a closer look. It was an American production, but Mahmoudieh is from England originally, London actually, so it is no huge surprise that most of said awards attention comes from America and the UK. Unfortunately, as you can see from my rating, I cannot agree with any of the praise. The film did almost nothing for me in terms of story and entertainment value. You can say that a lot of the success and attention it received is due to the exaggerated focus on females being harassed and what the film does with this idea. We have two women here getting out at night at a dine or gas station and there are two men that are older than the girls and these men (or rather one of them) start cracking sexist jokes. I mean it is not nice obviously, but also does not justify what happens next: One woman pulling a gun without any actual physical threat to her at all is already a bit much, but the wannabe cool twist then with what the other woman is hiding in her car and under her skirt and what she does with it is just really all for the sake of it. I did not care one bit anymore, but if I did, I could have wondered if she was an alien, a mutant or whatever and if this was some kind of postapocalyptic world they were living in. The last shot from outside the car and where the women are driving to makes it seem like this a bit.

The words we hear from one of them in the car shortly before the film ends also make no sense because it was really the same woman, the one being in the background initially, that has both the flute and the snake, so yeah I have no idea how they did not recognize that and even used these words a key message to promote the film. I mean Malmoudieh was far from a rookie back in 2020 and he should have seen this, already shooting content for about a decade or even longer if we look at his music video days for example. He worked with Coldplay among others and he was still in his 20s at that point, which is quite something. Now he is close to 40 and I hope he managed to improve. I guess him working on the new and fairly well-received Superman series says something positive, even if he only directed one episode. You could also wonder if this short film here will eventually get a sequel or even get a full-feature film based on the characters. I myself would have no interest to see such a thing as you probably guessed already, but seems the outcome here has a decent fanbase. Overall, it is a really low rating (my lowest) from my side for this short film here and I am glad it was this bad. It is just all about attention-seeking as you could have guessed from the baity title already, like a thumbnail that is needy in catching the viewers' attention. I highly recommend you to stay far away from this one here. Do not get tricked into seeing it by the awards attention it received. Anything positive I can say? The two girls are not unattractive and the post-credit scene with the two guys (well, only one then) is funny for a second or so, but also drags on for way too long and this is true for the entire film and if a movie that is way under ten minutes does so, then it says all about the quality really. Or lack thereof. Absolutely not recommended.
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